Do Landlords Have to Clean Between Tenants?

When you move into a new home, the last thing you want to deal with is a dirty and unkempt living space. Unfortunately, this is often the case when renting an apartment or home from a landlord. 

While most landlords are diligent about keeping their properties in good condition, some simply do not clean between tenants. This can leave you with a big mess to clean up on your own.

The answer to this question isn’t always clear. In some cases, landlords are required by law to clean between tenants. But in other cases, they’re not. It all depends on where you live and what kind of lease agreement you have.

So should landlords be responsible for cleaning between tenants? Or should that be left up to the people who are moving out? Read on to find out more.

Do Landlords Have to Clean Between Tenants?

The answer is yes.

Landlords are required to clean between tenants. However, the level of cleaning required can vary from state to state. In some states, landlords are only required to perform a general cleaning of the unit. This means that they will vacuum the floors and dust the surfaces.

In other states, however, landlords must perform a more thorough cleaning. This may include cleaning the carpets, mopping the floors, and scrubbing the bathroom and kitchen.

However, if the previous tenant does not leave the property in approximately the same condition it was received, the Landlord can charge the new tenant for professional cleaning services to clean the apartment.

In most cases, the lease states that the tenant should leave the premises in the same condition in which they 

received it. This means that if the apartment was clean when you moved in, you should clean it before you moved out.

Can a Landlord evict a tenant for not cleaning?

Do Landlords Have to Clean Between Tenants

If the tenant does not clean the apartment before moving out, the Landlord may charge them for professional cleaning services. In some cases, the Landlord may even evict the tenant if they refuse to pay for these services.

It’s important to note that landlords can only evict tenants for not cleaning if this is stated in the lease agreement. If there is no cleaning in the lease agreement, then the Landlord cannot evict the tenant for not cleaning.

However, the Landlord can file and win an eviction case for creating unhealthy and unsanitary living conditions.

It’s important to read your lease agreement carefully before signing it. This way, you’ll know what is expected of you to keep the property clean.

Responsibilities of Cleanliness

Landlords and tenants often have different opinions on who is responsible for cleaning the property. In some cases, landlords are required by law to clean between tenants. But in other cases, they’re not. It all depends on where you live and what kind of lease agreement you have.

So should landlords be responsible for cleaning between tenants? Or should that be left up to the people who are moving out? Read on to learn more about the cleanliness responsibilities for landlords and tenants.

Landlord Responsibilities For Cleanliness

The Landlord is responsible for ensuring that the rental property is clean and safe for tenants. This includes regularly scheduled cleaning and repairs, as well as addressing any tenant complaints promptly.

Landlords are not required to provide a deep clean between tenants, but they must ensure that the unit is in good repair and free of any health and safety hazards. If there are any issues with the cleanliness of the unit, the Landlord should be notified so that they can address the problem.

The Landlord ensures that the property is protected by all required and appropriate locks. Tenants should also be provided with a copy of the unit’s key, so they can access it in case of an emergency.

If the new tenants want to change the locks, they will first need permission from the Landlord. They should also provide the Landlord with a new key.

A landlord is also responsible for maintaining the property between tenants.

In order to identify issues with the property and resolve them with the tenant, a landlord should generally conduct a move-out inspection of the property each time a tenant leaves.

Tenant Responsibilities For Cleanliness

Tenants are expected to keep their rental units clean and reasonably free of clutter. This includes regularly cleaning floors, surfaces, and bathrooms, as well as doing laundry and taking out the trash.

Tenants should also notify the Landlord if there are any issues with the cleanliness of the unit so that the problem can be addressed.

If the tenant is leaving the unit dirty or in disarray, the Landlord may charge a cleaning fee. The fee will vary depending on the extent of the damage and the time it will take to clean the unit.

A tenant is also responsible for maintaining the property while living there. This includes reporting any repairs that are needed, as well as keeping the property tidy.

If tenants damage the property beyond normal wear and tear, they may be required to pay for the repairs. The Landlord may also charge a damage deposit, which will be used to cover the cost of repairs if necessary.

Tenants need to understand their responsibilities for cleanliness and property maintenance before they move into a rental unit. By being aware of these responsibilities, tenants can help to ensure that their rental experience is positive and that their Landlord does not have to deal with any issues related to cleanliness or property damage.

Tips for Cleaning Rental Property Between Tenants

Conduct Proper Move-Out Inspection


It’s important that you conduct a move-out inspection of your rental property as soon as the previous tenants have moved out. This will allow you to identify any areas that need to be cleaned or repaired.

If possible, try to do the move-out inspection with the tenants to point out any areas that need to be cleaned or repaired. This will also give you a chance to review the unit’s condition with the tenants and make sure that they understand their responsibilities for cleaning and maintaining the property.

If you cannot do the move-out inspection with the tenants, you can hire a professional cleaning company to do it for you. This can be a good option if you have many rental units or live in a different state from your rental property.

Document Your Property with Photographs or Videos

documenting property

Before you start cleaning your rental property, document the unit’s condition with photographs or videos. This will give you a record of the condition of the unit before you start cleaning.

This documentation can be helpful if there are any disputes about the condition of the unit after you have finished cleaning. It can also be used to prove to the new tenants that the unit was clean when they moved in.

Be sure to date and initial the photographs or videos so that you can easily identify them.

Paint Walls and Clean Windows

Painting Walls and Cleaning Windows

After you have documented the condition of the unit, you can start cleaning it. One of the first things you should do is paint the walls and clean the windows.

This will help to make the unit look fresh and new for the new tenants. It will also make it easier for them to see any problems with the unit that needs to be fixed.

Clean or Replace Carpets

cleaning carpets

If the unit has carpets, you must clean or replace them. Carpets can be a breeding ground for dust mites and other allergens, so it’s important to ensure they are clean before the new tenants move in.

If the carpets are in good condition, you can rent a carpet cleaner and clean them yourself. However, if the carpets are worn or damaged, you may need to replace them.

If you need to replace the carpets, choose a style and color that will appeal to the new tenants. You should also ensure that the carpet is installed correctly so that it does not cause any problems.

Clean the Kitchen and Bathrooms

The next thing you should do is clean the kitchen and bathrooms. These areas can be very dirty and can harbor bacteria and other contaminants.

Be sure to clean all of the surfaces in the kitchen and bathroom, including the countertops, sinks, toilets, showers, and tubs.

You should also empty the cabinets and drawers and clean them thoroughly.

If there are any appliances in the unit, clean them as well. This includes the refrigerator, stove, dishwasher, and microwave.

There are a few more things such as electrical outlets, light fixtures, door knobs, and switch plates. These are often forgotten, but they should be cleaned as well.

My New Home is not clean. What to do?

As a tenant who moves out to a new property and finds that it is not clean, you should immediately inform the Landlord. In most cases, they should have a professional cleaning company come in and do a thorough cleaning of the entire unit.

If the Landlord does not want to pay and refuses, you should first look at the lease agreement. Many leases will have a clause that states the unit must be clean and in good condition when you move in. If this is the case, you can use this clause to your advantage and require the Landlord to have the unit professionally cleaned.

If there is no such clause in the lease, there is an implied warranty of habitability. This means the Landlord is responsible for providing a safe and clean living environment.


As a landlord, you are responsible for providing your tenants with a safe and clean living environment. This means that you should make sure that the unit is cleaned before the new tenants move in.

The tenant is responsible for cleaning and maintaining the property during the tenancy. If they intend to vacate after the lease has ended, they must clean out the rental unit and return it to its original state. If a tenant does not restore a home to its original condition, the Landlord may withhold the security deposit to pay for the required repairs or cleaning.

Cleaning between tenants can be a lot of work, but it is important to ensure the unit is clean and in good condition. This will help ensure that the new tenants are happy with their new home and help avoid any problems down the road.

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